Marsha Blackburn Blasts Joe Biden Over Comments About African Americans


Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said this past weekend that Joe Biden and other Democrats take black voters for granted and that President Donald Trump, a Republican, has a record of success with African Americans.

Blackburn said this when she appeared on FOX News.

As The Tennessee Star reported, Biden last week belittled any black voters who would not vote for him.

To that, Blackburn told FOX News host Sandra Smith that Biden “must have missed the lesson from his mother.”

“Think before you speak,” Blackburn said.

“This shows what Democrats think of African American voters. They take it for granted. They assume that you have to vote for them, and it is the exact same thing they do when it comes to gender. They take women for granted. You’re not fully a woman unless you’re supporting a Democrat. That is their thought process. They do not think that they need to earn your vote. Your vote should be a given to them.”

Smith told Blackburn that Biden later took back his remarks and asked Blackburn if voters could forgive him?

Blackburn didn’t seem to think so.

“Comments like this help individuals to realize what the Democrats truly think about different groups. What they do is not think about what is good for the nation, what is good for everybody. What they do is say we already have this vote. We ought to get the other vote. We ought to get that vote. That is how they look at people. Not as individuals but as groups as that is one of the big differences, I think, between the parties,” Blackburn said.

“When it comes to women they want you to be the Stepford Wives liberalism and tout and parrot everything that they say. They take African American voters for granted. President Trump has done more for the African American community than any president in recent history. Look at what has transpired with the economy. Lower unemployment. Higher wages, prior to COVID, and these are things that the African American community has taken note of. Individual freedoms. Focus on choice in education. President Donald Trump has a good record with the African American community and you will see the benefits of that in November.”

Watch the segment:

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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2 Thoughts to “Marsha Blackburn Blasts Joe Biden Over Comments About African Americans”

  1. lamont crabston

    Never thought I was dancing with a future Senator back in my Starksville days.

  2. William Delzell

    Despite my differences with her, I would have to agree with Blackburn that Biden takes blacks and progressives for granted. If Biden does not mend his fences quickly, he could have trouble with especially younger blacks who are less willing to put up with conservative blue dog democrats than their elders do. In all the states where Biden handily won the black vote, it was almost only older blacks that voted for him whereas the younger blacks preferred Sanders by a long shot. Even when he DID win, Biden had to force himself to move left to steal Sanders supporters. He could easily squander what he acquired if he does not watch his step and it will be his fault.
